Monday, August 21, 2006
ive got emily n faith memorising poems in some weird indian slang in my room now. its hilarious! whan that ah-pril...
since ive not updated for a looong while, im back by popular demand (actually by request of my sis coz i know shes dying to know wats going on here in ntu).
i miss my bro and sis alot!
ok, my typical day in school:
sleep, shower, walk to northspine/sit bus to southspine, lunch, do stuff in afternoon, dinner, do stuff at night n sleep at bout 1+am.
oh ya, i forgot to mention climbing 6 storeys of stairs multiple times and perspiring buckets everyday. wat a great form of exercise! i'll say hello to a firm butt n muscular calves soon haha.
2 weeks of sch have passed. so far, lectures at fine. but of coz they get boring n i'll yawn non-stop. ive got a honky-slanging tutor, a china lady tutor, an ah pek looking tutor and a normal singaporean sounding tutor. how interesting. and the china tutor's name is also kelly. nono, its keL-Ly. haha.
i dread my monday tutorial so much. actually, dread is not the right word coz the lesson is kinda interesting. the only prob is that juz about everyone talks during the lesson and i dont. yesss, im that quiet. and coz they all say such intelligent stuff, i feel kinda intimidated too. so, keeping quiet seems like the more reasonable thing to do. but i know i cant keep quiet forever. ok, juz wait till i get smarter :)
anyway, my new friends all seem nice. but i dont really hang out with them coz they all got their own friends. and mine are juz limited. pathetic la. i mean im pathetic. ha. ok, so maybe juz maybe we'll all get closer through project work.
im hoping.
for those who think im the 'wild' and very 'on' kind, you're so wrong. haha. so so wrong. although i can be liddat at times, usually im not. it depends on my mood.
alright, so thats about it for my update. till next time, tata!
posted by: kelly @ 9:50 pm
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