Thursday, February 08, 2007
even though im a pretty stagnant member of my choir, i do have some opinions of my own too from time to time. of course im not going to send an email reply to choir and have myself shot down because ppl dont see my point. ive learnt from what others have experienced, that email replies arent gonna work because the ppl who subsequently reply wont agree with u in any way. so i blog.
i just read an email replied to my choir friend by one of the owner's of my choir.
i find it's really saddening for ppl to not come to agreeable terms without things ending up more heated up than intended.
and so my friend has decided to "ORD" himself from choir with much encouragement from the reply he received.
i wonder if the encouragement was intentional.
maybe in the midst of arguing what they think is correct, ppl tend to forget that the stuff they say can be pretty hurting.
this friend of mine, i find, has put in his fair share of effort for the choir. isn't it a member's right to voice out his concerns? aren't we all trying to clarify our doubts so as to make our choir a better one?
apparently, the owners find his email rude, distasteful and offensive. if im not wrong, my friend didnt even use any rude remarks or mention anything offensive. im sure what he meant wasnt what they assumed.
and i do find personal attacks very irrelevant. simply, in what ways do personal attacks solve the problem or even serve as a reply to someone's concern?
anyhow, this might not seem like a problem that concerns me at all. as in, im neither the one who has similar concerns as my friend nor oppose whatever he feels. but being part of the choir, such situations do affect me greatly.
if this is the way a member is shot down because he dared to raise his concerns, im not sure if i wanna stay in this choir anymore.
on to other things...
i hate mondays! i really really hate mondays! firstly, it is the start of a new week. secondly, i hafta see my idiot biz law teacher's face.
im the kind of person who never speaks up during lessons (because i love my voice so much that i wanna preserve it for more impt things. ya right). so whenever i speak up or answer a question, it is a HUGE obstacle for me. but some STUPID teachers dont get that simply theory. after teaching for so many years, dont they at least understand a little student psychology? apparently, my biz law tutor doesnt.
he asked me a question. i answered based on what i wrote in my answer. in the end he said "kelly, you didnt really say anything, you know". fuck him la. i said smth and he didnt hear? he must be really deaf. so what if my answer wasnt substantial enough. so what if the quality of my answer wasnt as good as some of those smarter ones in my class. u wanna hear some answer like theirs? ask them la!
i tried ok. and if trying gets me what i got, im sorry that u are what u are.
but of course im not so stupid to give up. im gonna try harder.
also on monday, my accounting grp affected our teacher's life so much that she had to email us to tell us how disappointed she was when my grp didnt prepare for tutorial. at least she cared enough to email us.
sometimes, i dont understand myself. i feel like crying for no reason.
on a happier note, i cant wait for tomorrow to come! coz im gonna see someone who can make me feel so much better.
posted by: kelly @ 1:26 pm
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